Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I've been thinking a great deal about the current health care debate.  In as much as we are searching for the right answer, I wonder sometimes if we are asking the right questions.  I believe there is a great deal of consensus around the goals of reforming health care, namely:
  • Ensure that as many people as possible have access to quality health care (ACCESS).
  • Reduce the overall amount of money we spend on health care (COST).
  • Maximize the quality of the health care we receive (QUALITY).
Each of these goals could be the subject of a life's work, and I don't think for a moment that I will resolve these massive questions in the course of this blog.

But I do have some opinions about how we define these problems, what the underlying drivers are and where possible solutions might lie.  This blog is my effort to document my thinking on the matter to ensure that my own thinking is internally consistent, a place to aggregate data and statistics to prove or disprove my hypotheses, and generally a place to vent my spleen over the shoddy nature of the debate currently underway.

If anyone chooses to listen in on my musings, I encourage comments and guidance.

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